door Puck | 8 oktober 2021 | Blog
Wist je dat er veel leuke en inspirerende metaforen zijn om in een gesprek of in workshop te gebruiken? Misschien ken je het IJsbergmodel van McClelland of the Hero’s Journey. In dit artikel ga ik in op de vuurtoren als sprekende metafoor voor een ambitie...
door Puck | 19 augustus 2021 | Blog
You have a team event coming up and some ideas about what you want to achieve. You want it to be fun, engaging, and that participants feel involved. Although you have heard about visual thinking, vision mapping, live recording, you are not sure what you need. Not...
door Puck | 23 juni 2021 | Blog
Do you have multiple and endless lists of work? Do you have a hard time prioritizing? Do you feel like you pick up tons of work, but doubt if you are making the right impact? In fact, you can’t even find the time to discuss the everlasting lack of time with your...
door Puck | 14 april 2021 | Blog
How do you organize high impact ideation and brainstorm sessions? Many brainstorms lead to ideas that never make it into a feasible concept or real project. Why its totally OK to be Stuck in the Box – A visual story on creativity and innovation Recognize the...
door Puck | 11 januari 2021 | Blog
After 6 amazing and dynamic years at one of the brightest companies that you can find in the Netherlands, it is time for a new chapter. I am going to start for myself. I am grateful for the experience of working with so many talented and smart people. Amongst many...
door Puck | 1 juli 2020 | Blog
As digital meetings are the new normal, here some easy hands-on tips to make your meetings a succes and get stuff done. More importantly, it helps to make a clear distinction between the various meetings you have. Working in international teams across the globe, I...